Parish AGM Minutes 2022
Present: Father Patrick, June Stallard, Tim Naylor, Mary Pillon The meeting was held in the Parish Hall and attended by many parishioners. 1. Answering account queries Treasurer Chris Griffin spoke of the accounts in a healthy position with a surplus in the account. The “Jam” money was not accounted for in this year’s accounts as it was not received in time but £400 will be b/f for the next set of accounts. It was ascertained that Christmas and Easter collections were for Father’s use and are held in a No. 2. Account for his decision. 2. Very grateful thanks were given to June Stallard retiring from the Committee after too many years and thanks was also given to the volunteers who have stepped into some of her roles. 3. New PAC candidates nominated were : Mary Wilson, Michael Seales, Helen Coleman and all were enthusiastically seconded by various parishioners. 4. The present 3 weekday Masses were discussed and in spite of low attendances Father Patrick was reluctant to take this privilege away from parishioners so they remain. 5. Father stated that attendances were 40% lower on Sundays than pre Covid. James Sweetman suggested emailing people in the event they lacked transport which may be an issue. It was agreed by show of hands that 8.30am on Sundays could be eliminated. It was noted that for the 5pm Saturday Mass during winter months the greenery should be well clipped back so the hand rail on either side is accessible for bad weather conditions. 6. It was agreed the Latin Chant should remain in use once per month. 7. Treasurer Chris Griffin explained that Gift Aid is claimed on a cash collection up to £8000 under a small claims scheme. As we have not had many cash collections since Covid it has relied only on signed mandates. Special collections and Gift Aid were a “grey area” said Sue Rigby. Amounts given to church not to charity and is a matter to be looked into. Red Boxes – collected once per year by Mary Wilson and maybe we need to promote these so more are available to parishioners. 8. It was resolved to find more Eucharistic Ministers to take the sacrament to housebound parishioners as this task is currently only being done by June Stallard, Mary Wilson and Sean Devlin 9. Father Patrick asked for candidates for Confirmation next year to be encouraged to get in touch. Either children or adults. 10. AOB: Rita asked for perhaps a Lectio Divina/liturgical prayer/scripture studies to be available. Charlotte Carver spoke of the suggested trip to Assisi with regard to Blessed Carlo Acutis in early May next year. Meeting at her home as per newsletter. Charlotte also mentioned a “pop-up” mini bazaar perhaps in November as a small fundraising event with a date to be agreed. The meeting ended with sincere thanks and gratitude from James Sweetman to Father Patrick for becoming our Parish Priest and applauded by all present. |